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Since the publication of its first volume in 2009, the Yearbook of the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M) has published review articles by 63 scholars working in all six populated continents. Their studies of scholarship cover 20 countries and review themes of historical mobility studies that have not received sufficient attention elsewhere. Readers will find reviews not only of scholarship centering on vehicles such as planes, trains and automobiles, but also on less prominent topics in mobility history, such as pedestrians, bicyclists, international mobility policy, gender and mobility, carpooling, mobility and social exclusion, and tourism. The present volume includes articles reviewing scholarship from four countries not represented in previous Yearbooks (Colombia, France, Portugal and Sweden) and a new thematic article (on car sounds). Following a precedent established last year, this volume offers readers a close reflection on a classic study in mobility history, Wolfgang Schivelbusch's The Railway Journey (1977). Readers can also get an inside look at the state of the art of mobility history from the unique perspective of one of its central figures, Gijs Mom.